Chami FM

Chami FM general


Listen to Chami FM live broadcast from English (U.S.), Sinhalese, Tamil, English (Australian), Hindi, Russian online via Radio India Live |
Listen to music, talks in English (U.S.), Sinhalese, Tamil, English (Australian), Hindi, Russian.
Chami FM is a Sri Lankan radio station that broadcasts 24/7 on the internet, with a variety of programs to suit different tastes. Our Main Programs are News and Information, Educational, Religious and Spiritual, Arts And Entertainment, and Sports and Social Events. We target 3 million Sri Lankan Diaspora Who live overseas, and also 21 million Sri Lankans who Live In Sri Lanka. Vision;-To be the leader in social development communication. Mission;-We will work towards creating a better tomorrow than today by focusing on the education, culture, spirituality, happiness, and wealth of our stakeholders and utilizing current world trends, new inventions and designs, technological revolutions, and proper socialization of local knowledge stores."

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Chami FM